Scramble your messages and protect your privacy using this ancient encryption technique.
Display interactive, animated figures in Java using a declarative object model.
Find answers to obscure technical questions within this perpetual work in progress.
Celebrate special moments in time with this planetary countdown visualizer. Perfect for New Year's Eve!
Speed up text and data formatting in Java with this alternative printf implementation.
Spam, spam, spam. Don't you just love it? Well, if you don't, and you run your own mail server, this tip is for you.
Get your monitor showing colors the way they were meant to be seen. This tool's a must if you frequently produce images for publication on the web.
Scrape content from HTML pages.
Learn about an innovative portable word processor bundled with extensions developed by Sharkysoft and sold exclusively by Smart Input.
Read and write PCM wave files in Java.
Explore this alternative to the JCE implementation.
Fan out streaming text using this robust stdin rebroadcaster.
Turn your system logs into a symphony — hear log events as they happen!
Learn how to use HTML frames in this dated, but perhaps still useful, tutorial.
Who needs a GUI? Real hackers master and burn CD-ROMs from the command line.
The POP3 protocol lets users download email from remote servers. Unfortunately, POP3 compromises system security. This tip presents a remedy.
This tip shows you how to "rip" a standard floppy disk into a nice, compact file that preserves every aspect of the original disk's layout. Perfect for archiving and restoring floppy disks.
SMB lets Windows users share files with a Linux server. Unfortunately, the protocol is dangerous to use over an untrusted network. Use SSH to secure it.
mod_dav lets users update web content in Apache servers via the PUT method. This tip shows how to set it up.
Red Hat Linux 6.2 ships with the ugliest font configuration! Here's a quick fix for dual boot Windows/Linux systems and users of hi-res displays.
Linux is great for burning CD-ROMs, but Red Hat Linux 6.1 requires a little tweaking first.
RealProducer 6.0 is a wonderful product, but it's installation program sucks the big one. It simply doesn't work. Here's what you can do to fix it.
Learn about ODSIMS, the open, distributed IM platform that never was.
Automatically reboot your Alcatel Speed Touch ADSL modem when it crashes
A great way to get rid of Internet Exploder, and encourage the use of better browsers, is to choose URLs that Explorer can't load.
Remember the good old days when we actually believed it was reasonable to worry about our privacy? Now it's somewhat laughable that Sharky ever cared about this.
Sharky used to be a "web columnist" for Inquiry.Com, a company that offers technical support for a variety of programming languages. They hired Sharky as their "JavaScript Pro," and sent their JavaScript-related questions to him for feedback. Here is the complete collection of his published JavaScript articles.
java digest is a tool for generating secure message digests using algorithms such as SHA and MD5.
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