download AlcPM

AlcPM is written in Java. It has been tested on Windows 2000 and Red Hat Linux 7.0 with JRE 1.2. It may also run on Windows 98 and other Unix platforms, but this has not been confirmed. AlcPM most likely will not run on a Mac (again, not confirmed).

AlcPM is distributed in both binary and source forms. Please download using the following links:

Support for modifying the source and rebuilding the binary is not provided.


After downloading, unzip the distribution into a directory of your choice.

You can invoke the program by issuing either of the following commands:

If you execute AlcPM without arguments, AlcPM will provide a synopsis of the necessary arguments. Refer to the documentation for additional details.

download Java

AlcPM requires Java support. If you don't already have a JRE (Java Runtime Environment) installed on your system, you need to download and install that, too.

Follow the directions from the Java download page for more information.

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