Lava overview

Lava is a class library for Java. It's packages evolved from one programmer's need for features in Java that were not available in the standard Java library. Although Lava includes several GUI-related classes, its main emphasis is in batch-oriented data processing and reporting applications. Thus, there is a heavy emphasis on stream parsing, data manipulation, and text formatting.

Most programmers use Lava for its advanced port of C's printf function, Printf for Java. To learn more about this special package, read on.

Lava is distributed as fully-functional, non-expiring, nag-free shareware. If you find it useful you are encouraged to register. To download the latest version of Lava or any Lava product, visit the Lava web site at

Packages included:

In order to give developers more of what they need and less of what they don't need, Lava has been divided into several partial distributions, each of which encapsulates a subset of Lava's popular features. Both the comprehensive Lava package and the individual "Lava Rocks" are available for purchase.

Printf for Java

Lava's Printf for Java is the world's leading port of printf to Java. Featuring precompiled format strings (for speed) and an unrivaled object-oriented design (for flexibility), Printf for Java has helped hundreds of programmers port legacy C applications to Java. Although Printf for Java is geared towards the experienced C programmer, its advanced formatting features are useful even to Java-only programmers.

Printf for Java was initially released as an integrated feature of Lava, a general-purpose class library for Java. By popular demand, it is now distributed in its own bundle.

Packages included:

jDES (Data Encryption Standard for Java)

Lava's jDES is a highly optimized, highly configurable implementation of the Data Encryption Standard (DES) in Java. jDES was designed with four goals in mind:

jDES utilizes Sharkysoft's proprietary reformulation of DES optimized for 32-bit machines. Tests have shown that jDES can outperform the JCE (Sun's cryptography library) in DES computations by as much as 25%.

Packages included:


Lava's jScraper provides an easy-to-use interface for parsing HTML text streams. jScraper converts HTML text streams into tokenized object streams revealing the documents' contents. This library is ideal for applications which must extract information from machine-generated web pages.

jScraper was initially released as an integrated feature of Lava, a general-purpose class library for Java. By popular demand, jScraper is now distributed in its own bundle.

As an added bonus, the and lava.string packages are included to make your parsing job easier. These two packages will add a wide variety of parsing routine to your parsing toolbox and will help you parse just about any type of text stream imaginable.

Packages included:


Lava's jWave is a versatile set of packages for Java that allow you to easily create and process RIFF files, with a special emphasis on reading and writing WAVE files.

jWave was initially released as an integrated feature of Lava, a general-purpose class library for Java. By popular demand, it is now distributed in its own bundle.

Packages included: