Package com.sharkysoft.fig.core

Complex figure drawing and viewing.

See: Description

Package com.sharkysoft.fig.core Description

Complex figure drawing and viewing.

Details: Fig models arbitrarily complex figures and allows them to be rendered in a user interface. Multiple Doodles compose a Figure, and a figure is mounted onto a InteractiveFigureView for viewing. Each Doodle has an individually controllable color, transparency, and Z-order index, allowing portions of the figure to exist in multiple, overlapping layers at varying depths. Components of a Figure can be added and subtracted while the Figure is being displayed. The individual shapes in a figure can respond to mouse events, and properties affecting their appearance can be modified in real time. The Figure's view can be translated, rotated, and zoomed in real time without degradation in rendering quality. This is possible because figures are represented mathematically using paths, rather than pixels.

Although 3D models can be projected onto a layered, 2D plane, fig speaks and understands only 2D data. It is the client's responsibility to provide the 2D data converted from the 3D world. Fig can work with any shape defined in compliance with interface java.awt.Shape. This provides immediate access to all of the shapes included in the Java core API, particularly the palette of polygons, ellipses, and curves defined in java.awt.geom, but also any third-party shapes which may be available.

Fig supports single Doodles with disjoint areas or CompoundDoodles created by combining multiple Doodles. fig also offers a convenient mechanism for converting text strings to a single Doodle outlines (TextDoodles).

This package is the base package for core fig functionality. It includes the basic Fig building blocks.

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