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The Tags: <form target=...> </form>

<form method= { get } action=cgi_url ...

The <form> tag is used to place user fill-out forms within the body of a document. Data entered into these forms is submitted to a query server, which processes the data and then responds with a new document.

... target= { "frame_name" ...

Now that we have frames, we might want to have the CGI program's response document displayed in a different frame -- perhaps to enable the user to see the original form and its results at the same time. Netscape's frame extensions include the addition of a target property to not only hyperlinks, but to forms as well. To specify that the results of a form submission should be displayed in another frame, simply define the target within the <form> tag.

This works in a manner that is completely analogous to the target extension for the anchor tag (<a>). Refer to "The Tags: <a href=... target=...> </a>" for more details.

Next: The Tags: The Tags: <base target=...>

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