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The Tags: <base target=...>

<base ...

Before the frame extensions, the <base> tag was useful for specifying the original location of a document, in case it was read out of context (i.e., a copy of the document that was saved somewhere else). Placed in the header of a document (i.e., between <head> and </head>), the <base> tag made it possible for relative image references and relative hyperlinks to continue working even after the document was moved.

... target= { "frame_name" ...

Although the <base> tag can still be used for this purpose, the frame extensions have added a new property, target, which can be used to set the default destination frame (target) for all hyperlinks in the document. For example, the tag

<base target="sharky">,

if placed in the header of a document, would cause all hyperlinks in the document to have a default target of "sharky". Of course, setting the default target only affects hyperlinks for which no target is explicitly declared, but this can be a great keystroke saver for documents whose links mostly target another frame, such as in a navigation bar.

If all the hyperlinks in your document have the same target, then it is better to specify the target with <base> than to include an explicit target property in each tag. In addition to using the names of actual frames in the <base> tag, you can also use any of the reserved frame names. Refer to "The Tags: <a href=... target=...> </a>" for more information on these special target names.

-- End of Lesson 4 --

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