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Model-view architecture.


Interface Summary
IMvView A view in a program the uses the model-view architecture.

Class Summary
MvModel Abstract base class for models.
MvModelEvent Model event message.
MvModelExtra Abstract base class for models with arbitrary property set.

Package Description

Model-view architecture.

Details: This packages contains core components for implementing programs using the model-view architecture. In the model-view architecture, graphical representations of concepts exist independently of their models. Views register themselves with models, which in turn notify the views whenever changes in their state have occurred. (Frequently, the agent responsible for causing changes in the model is called the "controller.") Views receiving state-change messages from models should invalidate themselves, so that they can be repainted. When repainting, the views may query the model for state information that affects the graphical appearance of the view. Applications written using this architecture are much easier to debug and maintain.

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