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Printf for Java.


lava.clib Ports of functions from the standard C library.
lava.clib.stdarg Emulates features in C's stdarg library; syntactic sugar for printf.
lava.clib.stdio Emulates features in C's stdio library.
lava.text Text formatting.


Printf for Java.

Details: Lava's Printf for Java is the world's leading port of printf to Java. Featuring precompiled format strings (for speed) and an unrivaled object-oriented design (for flexibility), Printf for Java has helped hundreds of programmers port legacy C applications to Java. Although Printf for Java is geared towards the experienced C programmer, its advanced formatting features are useful even to Java-only programmers.

Printf for Java was initially released as an integrated feature of Lava, a general-purpose class library for Java. By popular demand, it is now distributed in its own bundle.

Additional information about Printf for Java can be found at

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