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File I/O, stream parsing, console-based user dialogs.


Class Summary
AsciiInputStreamReader Converts byte stream to char stream without decoding.
AsciiOutputStream ASCII output stream.
CommandLineFileSelection Command-line file selection.
ConsoleCommandShell Console-based command interface.
ConsoleDialog Console-based input manager.
FileRewriter Rewrites files in place.
FilteredInputStream Removes characters from base input stream.
HashCommentStripperReader Strips hashmark comments from a Reader.
IoCloser Clean stream/file closing.
IoToolbox Miscellaneous I/O functions.
LFilterReader Modified FilterReader.
LineEnumeration Converts a Reader into an Enumeration of lines.
LineSeparatorFilter Filters line-separators from text stream.
MarkReader Adds mark support to Reader.
NullInputStream Empty input stream.
Path File in virtual/physical Unix file system.
PathSet Unique file list manager.
Ping ICMP-based ping utilities.
StreamParser Stream parsing utilities.
TemporaryFileOutputStream Writes data to temporary file.
TemporaryFileWriter Writes data to temporary file.
UnixLineReader Filters any-platform text stream to appear as if it originated from a Unix file.
UnlimitedPushbackReader "Pushbackable" input stream with no pushback limit.
UnreadBuffer Enhanced unread support for PushbackReaders.
UrlInputStream Reads from URL-specified source.
WildcardFilenameFilter Filters filenames using a standard wildcard mask.

Exception Summary
DirectoryNotFoundException Indicates invalid directory name.
FileFormatException Indicates incompatible file format.
StreamFormatException Indicates incompatible stream format.

Package Description

File I/O, stream parsing, console-based user dialogs.

Details: This package contains stream-processing classes and stream-related convenience functions. Many of the classes in this package were designed to support batch-oriented stream conversion programs. However, several classes supporting interactive I/O via the console are also included.

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