how to enable normal pasting in FCKEditor
From Sharkysoft Wiki
Edit extensions/FCKeditor/fckeditor_config.js and add:
FCKConfig.AutoDetectPasteFromWord = true; FCKConfig.CleanWordKeepsStructure = false; FCKConfig.ForcePasteAsPlainText = false;
You can also enabled indenting and outdenting bulleted list items by adding 'Outdent','Indent" to the button configuration.
bonus 2
If you installed FCKeditor and you get an error that says,
Detected bug in an extension! Hook FCKeditor_MediaWiki::onCustomEditor failed to return a value; should return true to continue hook processing or false to abort. Backtrace:#0 /usr/share/mediawiki/includes/Wiki.php(502): wfRunHooks('CustomEditor', Array) #1 /usr/share/mediawiki/includes/Wiki.php(63): MediaWiki->performAction(Object(OutputPage), Object(Article), Object(Title), Object(User), Object(WebRequest)) #2 /usr/share/mediawiki/index.php(116): MediaWiki->initialize(Object(Title), Object(Article), Object(OutputPage), Object(User), Object(WebRequest)) #3 {main}
find the file called FCKeditor.body.php and change a certain line of code as follows:
public function onCustomEditor(&$article, &$user) {
public function onCustomEditor($article, $user) {